Noah's Park is Moving Summer 2025!
We bought a new home! Our new facility is just one mile and a three minute drive from our current location! We'll have more classrooms, a...
Kids Painting | Kids Blowing Bubbles | Pinwheel Kids | Kids Drawing |
Kids in Preschool | Child Doing Art Activity | Kid's Drawings | Girl Drawing |
Nursery School | Playing with Animals |
Click the button to register for the
2024-2025 school year!
Registration begins March 3rd at 8:30AM!
The sign-up genius link will not
work before that time!
If you would like to register for the current school year, please call
the office at
(661) 621-6010 or email
Find Everything You need to get Started Here!
February 3rd
Priority Enrollment for Current Families
Priority Enrollment for current students and siblilings begins.
February 12th & 13th
Valentine's Day Parties
Classes will have a in-class party and share Valentines with their classmates. School ends early.
February 14th & 17th
President's Weekend
No school Friday Feb. 14th & Monday Feb. 17th for President's Weekend.
January 20th
No School
School will be closed for MLK Jr. Day.
All of our staff are trained yearly to comply with the Healthy Schools Act. To read about how we handle pest control and disinfecting at our school, click the following links
Professional Service